Thursday, October 29, 2009

Meals for 10/29/09

Good Morning everyone!! Busy morning already! Got up and went to the grocery store to pick up a RX for Kevin and a few other things...including the dreaded Halloween Candy! This is my first Halloween here and I know there are not many kids that live here but I can't not get any...I feel horrible telling kids I don't have any whatever isn't given away Kevin will take to work and put it somewhere where people will eat it up! :) The funny thing is...I REALLY don't crave it...I thought I would but I don't even want to have that weird? I have always been a chocoholic and would eat chocolate like there was no tomorrow but I have been eating things like my Vita Muffin's and Vita Brownies and they are a great alternative to the real thing...and it is portioned!

For Breakfast I just had my cereal and banana....

Fiber One cereal = 3 points
Milk = 2 points
Banana = 2 points
Total points for Breakfast = 7 points

For lunch I had another tuna sandwich and veggie crunchers...

Bread = 1 point
Tuna Salad = 2 points
Tomato = 0 points
Veggie Crunchers = 3 points
Total points for Lunch = 6 points

Afternoon Snack:

Apple = 1 point
Reduced Fat Peanut Butter = 2 points
Total points for Snack = 3 points

Sorry for the late post for dinner...I was so tired last night that I barely got on the computer...we had leftover mexican casserole for dinner...

Mexican Casserole = 11 points
Milk = 2 points
Total points for Dinner = 13 points



  1. That makes me want a tuna fish sandwich. I think we will have them for supper.

  2. we just got ours too. halloween candy...DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN (ominous music)

    how's the pup?

  3. I usually get the fun size Teddy Grahams. They're not as bad as some of that chocolate. The kids seem to like them a lot.
